What you are to be, you are now becoming. And so I encourage you, I challenge you to realise and to recognise that your job is just a lap. If you’re going to be a boss one day, a supervisor one day, if you’re going to do it big one day, you have to be faithful over few and then you will be rule over many. So when you go to work, everything you do, if you’re faithful over the small things, one day you will be responsible for the big things.
When you go to work this Monday, I don’t care what your job is, how many hours you work, if you work five days a week, forty hours, if you do four 12s, I don’t care if you’re a temp, you don’t really have a job yet, you’re just working through a temp agency, listen to me, when you go to work this week, 120%, give it all you got. Because often in life, you will never get to the next level, listen to me, you will never get to the next level just off talent. A lot of it has to do with attitude. So I don’t care if you don’t like your boss. I don’t care if you don’t like your job.
When you go to work this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, give it 120%. Biblical reference teaches us that “find a man who is diligent in his work, and he shall stand before kings and queens and not mean men.” So I am telling you, if you don’t like where you are, listen to me, if you don’t like where you are, if you don’t like the job you work for, I guarantee you, you won’t get to the next level.
You won’t get that promotion, you won’t get transferred, you can’t start your own business, you won’t get a financial increase until you learn to be faithful over the little things. And once you go to work and you put in work, no matter what the situation is, whether your boss is at work, they’re not at work, if you learn to put in 120%, I guarantee you one day you’ll wake up, three years from now, five years from now, ten years, I don’t know, and you’ll make exactly what you want to make. You will have the job you want to have.
You will have the position that you want. You will have everything in life that you want if you can learn not only to go to work, but I’m talking about go to work. And again, you heard me, I’m not talking about geographically, I’m talking about all your soul, all your heart and all your might. I remember when I was younger, my father used to play a song about the OJs. And the song says that your body is here with me but your mind is on the other side of town. And so, when you go to work this week, don’t go just physically, but go with all your energy, all your strength and all your spirit. And I guarantee you, one day you will be exactly where you want to be. I got a quick story for you. I went to a university called Oakwood University in Huntsville, AL. That’s right, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL. And in the cafeteria, they had a mural. And on the mural, it was strange.
The picture was actually broken up into two. And on one side was the present, and on the other side was the future. And if you look closely at the picture what you saw was, there was this picture of Africans who were enslaved and they were working the cotton fields, but it was weird because as they were working on the cotton fields of Alabama, you could see on the other side they had this dream of what the future would be.
And so, on one side you have Africans who were enslaved and on the other side, you have physicians, astronauts, engineers and teachers. And on the capture, it said, “what you are to be, you are now becoming.” What you are to be, you are now becoming. And so I encourage you, I challenge you to realise and to recognise that your job is just a lap. If you’re going to be a boss one day, a supervisor one day, if you’re going to do it big one day, you have to be faithful over few and then you will be rule over many. So when you go to work, everything you do, if you’re faithful over the small things, one day you will be responsible for the big things.
Eric Thomas